Monday, January 2, 2012

One Way to Write a Novel. by Vicki Hinze

One Way to Write A Novel by Vicki Hinze is one of my downloads on my Kindle which I received a an early Christmas gift. I downloaded her book at the suggestion of another writer on a Loop I am a member of. I'm glad I followed that writer's advice.

I am definitely not going to delete her book from my Kindle because I know I'll want to refer to different sections frequently.

Some things that I found helpful on my first read were : "Common Errors to Avoid", "Should You Write the Book?", "How to Make a Story Binder", and "Making a Story Board".

Her advice is practical and easy to understand. She makes sure you understand her terminology by giving a definition and examples as needed.

I was especially impressed with the list of questions she provided at the beginning of her book that helps the reader decide if the idea the writer is considering is worth pursuing. This alone can save the author the disappointment of spending months on writing a book that will never be finished or poorly finished.

I have "sort of" worked on a binder for my story as well as a story board. After reading her book, I'm going to finish those two projects and get on with my book.

Ms. Hinze is a successful author of books and articles. I have not read her books before, but I'm going to select one to download to my Kindle. Check out One Way to Write A Novel. You'll be glad you did.

Writing Tip of the Day
