Monday, January 6, 2014

10 Ways How NOT to have a Writing Career.

Several years ago I joined several ladies to form a local Romance Writers of America group. We met once a month and had a critique group which met weekly. I was excited to pursue my writing dreams at last. Over the years, I let several things get in the way of my "dream". I decided if I posted those obstacles I allowed to crowd my dream, perhaps it would help someone else not lose sight of their goals.

Top Ten

1. Deciding to try yet another method from a particular author after reading a book, reading an article, or attending a workshop.

2. Constantly starting over...

3. Not settling on the type of book you want to write.

4. Debating whether to use your real name.

5. Not setting aside writing time every day.

6. Committing to numerous opportunities to serve rather than narrowing options to one or two areas of service.

7. Instead of writing, spending time thinking about writing, studying about writing, setting up your writing area, talking about writing, or constantly rewriting the first three chapters.

8. Writing is what you want. However, then realize you cannot pursue multiple interests and end your dream of possible publication.

9. Failing to recognize if you are writing, you are a writer.

10. Deciding which criticism is valid and which is poor advice.

I am taking a break from my writing goal to re-evaluate my dream of writing after surviving a second bout with breast cancer. As I faced my diagnosis, and am now on the other side, I have to consider how I want to spend the remainder of my life. I regret letting the above issues block my writing journey. I will always be a writer, even if it is for my own viewing, but for the time being I am savoring the extra time I've been given in life to discover how I want to spend my remaining days.

So my advice to you if you have a dream becoming a writer, just write. Read about writing, go to conferences and workshops if you can afford the expense, fellowship with other writers, be open to advice, but in the end put writing first.

Bad writing is better than no writing at all. Profit from my mistakes and don't let anything stand in the way of your dream whether it is writing or some other area of interest. As Winston Churchill once said in England's Darkest Hours of WW 2, "Never give up, Never, Never, Never give up".

Where's my yellow legal pad and pen? I need to write something. This is how I write best, in long hand.

Happy writing,
Sue Watson

Writing Tip of the Day


Always be actively looking for your next writing opportunity and never rest on your past success.
