Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jeff Gerke's Doubleheader

"At last, the two products novelists need to create fabulous characters and the incredible adventures to set them on--together for one discounted price.

How To Find Your Story is the writer’s help product being hailed as "Genius" and "Like a brilliant author and editor at your elbow, helping you plan your story."

Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist is a revolutionary tool that guides novelists to create realistic, three-dimensional characters readers will love.

So whether you sense that your characters all feel the same or that your story meanders--or you just want to be sure you’re building from a solid base, The Writer’s Foundation Bundle is for you." ~http://marcherlordpress.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=9&products_id=18

Here's my problem: I can dream up characters gushing with loads of emotional conflicts, scarring goals, and laughable motivations all day, but when I attempt to pen a plot not only does my story crumble but my self esteem plummets.

Another problem I seem to have is finding a source for creating tight plots. I have read what few books on plot that are available. Some are very good and are listed on this blog, however, they haven't helped me much. Jeff Gerke's system is easy and fun to do. I'm halfway through his system and I'm already beginning to feel my confidence returning.

A little bit about this author, "I’m a published novelist and professional fiction editor. At this writing I am the author of six published novels and the co-author of two nonfiction books. I write under the pen name Jefferson Scott (see more at http://www.jeffersonscott.com). I’ve got screenplay and short story and writer’s conference and even comic book credentials, too.

I am also a professional editor with, at the time of this writing, eight years experience as an editor for three major publishing companies in the Christian publishing industry. I have extensive experience editing fiction and nonfiction. One novel I edited won the Christy Award for excellence and another novel I edited won first prize in General Fiction at the 2006 ACFW Conference. While at Strang Communications I was instrumental in the design and launch of Realms, an imprint of Christian speculative fiction (http://www.realmsfiction.com/).

When I’m not writing my own fiction I’m helping other people improve theirs. It’s something I love to do, both as a freelance book doctor and as a seminar speaker at writer’s conferences. While I like almost all kinds of fiction, I have a special place in my heart for the speculative genres (science fiction, fantasy, supernatural thrillers, etc.), which you can clearly see at the other site I maintain: http://www.wherethemapends.com/."

I have included both books in this review post because maybe you're not like me, maybe you don't have a problem with plots, maybe your problem is with creating characters? Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist is equally as good as How to Find Your Story.

So, if you're like me and have been stuck in a rut for weeks...stop now...go to Marcher Lord Press and buy both books at a truly inexpensive price.


  1. Very interesting combo. I'm glad you found a winner here.

  2. This sounds like it was a kick start to get you back to your wonderful story.


Writing Tip of the Day
